Gum Therapy

Gum Therapy

Gum Therapy

Gums are the soft tissues that encase and provide support to your teeth. Unfortunately, gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, occurs when these tissues become infected and is a primary contributor to tooth loss. Plaque, the accumulation of bacteria on teeth, is the primary cause of gum disease. Because plaque buildup is a continuous process, it is crucial to maintain proper dental hygiene to prevent its impact on the gums.

If you experience swollen or bleeding gums, a receding gum line, persistent halitosis, loose teeth, or a changing bite, these are indicative of gum disease. Individuals who neglect their dental hygiene, smoke or use tobacco products, suffer from diabetes, have crooked teeth, or take certain medications, have a higher risk of developing gum disease. Regular dental check-ups are imperative in identifying the onset of any symptoms that may progress into serious issues.

Gingivitis is the initial stage of gum disease, which can be eliminated through thorough dental cleaning and appropriate dental hygiene practices. However, if gingivitis is not addressed, it may develop into periodontitis, which is advanced gum disease. Approximately half of adults above the age of 30 are impacted by chronic periodontitis, a condition that leads to irreparable loss of bone and tissue that support teeth.

While periodontal disease can develop gradually, the onset of aggressive periodontitis may result in rapid loss of bone and tissue. If you experience significant changes in your oral health, it is imperative to consult a dental professional immediately. It is vital to note that gum disease may not always manifest with clear symptoms, underscoring the significance of regular professional exams and consultations.

We encourage you to contact us today to schedule an exam and ascertain the health of your gums. Gum disease is preventable with appropriate dental hygiene and regular cleanings.

Areas Covered

Rocky Hill, Wethersfield, Newington, Hartford Metro Area

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